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Titel: The Person of Christ in the Gospel and the Koran - (English Title: The Person of Christ in the Gospel and the Qur'an)
Autor: The Good Way P.O. Box No. 66 - CH-8486 Rikon - SuisseWeitere Informationen abrufen
Sprache: englisch (englische, englischer, englisches, englischen)
Kategorie: Buch
Datum/Uhrzeit: 1975
Seiten: 100
ID: 22525
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Schlüsselworte: 1. Christ in Islam, 2. Distinctive characteristics of Christ in the Qur'an, 3. The miracles of Christ in the Qur'an, 4. The sonship of Christ in the Qur'an, 5. The deity of Christ in the Qur'an, 6. The humanity of Christ in the Qur'an, 7. Christ in the Holy Bible, 8. The deity of Christ and his humanity, 9. The doctrine of the Holy Trinity, 10. The oneness of the three persons of the Trinity, 11. A reply to objections
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